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genericXMLMode - Variable in class com.jaunt.UserAgentSettings
Whether to parse content as generic XML instead of HTML/XHTML.
get(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.Cookies
Returns the List of cookies associated with the specified (case insentitive) domain.
get(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.JNode
Returns the child node associated with the specified name or throws a NotFound Exception if the name does not exist as a key; if the specified name is associated with the value null, then a JNode of Type.UNDEFINED is returned.
get(int) - Method in class com.jaunt.JNode
Returns the JNode at the specified position or throws a NotFound Exception if the specified position is out of bounds.
get(String) - Method in interface com.jaunt.util.Cache
Retrieves and returns the HTML/XML source content for the specified url from the cache or returns null if the cache has no content for the specified url.
get(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.util.FileSystemCache
Retrieves and returns the HTML/XML content for the specified url from the cache or returns null if the cache has no content for the specified url.
get(K) - Method in class com.jaunt.util.MultiMap
Returns the List of values associated with the specified key, or null if the specified key does not exist.
getAction() - Method in class com.jaunt.component.Form
Retrieves the action attribute of the form.
getActiveForm() - Method in class com.jaunt.Document
Returns the Form that is currently active (ie, most recently edited) or returns null if no form has been edited.
getAdditionalHeaders() - Method in class com.jaunt.HttpRequest
Returns the Map of the additional headers for the request.
getAt(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Returns the attribute value for the specified attributeName, or throws a NotFound Exception if the attribute name or attribute value is not found.
getAtString(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Returns the attribute value for the specified (case insensitive) attribute name; returns an empty string rather than throwing an Exception if the attribute name or attribute value is not found.
getAttributeNames() - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Retrieves a list of the attribute names.
getCache() - Method in class com.jaunt.UserAgent
Returns the current cache or null if no cache is set.
getChildElements() - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Returns a list of child Elements, or an empty list if no child elements exist.
getChildNodes() - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Returns a list of child nodes; Attribute nodes are not included in the List.
getChildText() - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Returns a concatenation of all immediate Text children, or an empty String if none exist.
getChildText(boolean) - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Returns child text (a concatenation of all Text nodes that are immediate children), or an empty String if none exist.
getComment(int) - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Retrieves the nth child Comment (CDATA sections, processing instructions, and DOCTYPE definitions are treated as types of Comment).
getCommentType() - Method in class com.jaunt.Comment
Returns the comment type constant associated with this comment.
getContent() - Method in class com.jaunt.HttpRequest
Returns the content body associated with a PUT request.
getContent() - Method in interface com.jaunt.util.Handler
getContent() - Method in class com.jaunt.util.HandlerForBinary
Returns the content or null.
getContent() - Method in class com.jaunt.util.HandlerForText
Returns the content or null.
getCookies() - Method in class com.jaunt.Cookies
Returns a List of all cookies.
getDirectory() - Method in class com.jaunt.util.FileSystemCache
getDomain() - Method in class com.jaunt.Cookie
Retrieves the domain field of the cookie.
getEach(short) - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Searches only children (not all descendants) and returns all Comments matching the specified Comment type constant (CDATA sections, processing instructions, and DOCTYPE definitions are treated as types of Comment).
getEach(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Searches only child elements (not all descendants) and retrieves those that were found to match the query.
getEach(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.JNode
Searches only child nodes (not all descendants) and returns a JNodes container that holds all JNodes matching the query; returns an empty JNodes container if no matching JNodes were found or if the method is invoked on a leaf node.

getElement() - Method in class com.jaunt.component.Form
Returns the form Element for this Form.
getElement(int) - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Retrieves the nth child Element or throws a NotFound Exception if no element exists at the specified position.
getEnctype() - Method in class com.jaunt.component.Form
Retrieves the enctype of the form, or the default enctype if no enctype is specified in the form
getEnctype() - Method in class com.jaunt.HttpRequest
Retrieves the enctype of the form.
getExpires() - Method in class com.jaunt.Cookie
Retrieves the (GMT String) expiry field of the cookie, eg Thu, 15-Apr-2010 20:00:00 GMT
getFirst(short) - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Searches only children (not all descendants) and returns the first Comment matching the specified Comment type constant (CDATA sections, processing instructions, and DOCTYPE definitions are treated as types of Comment).
getFirst(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Searches only child elements (not all descendants) and retrieves the first child element that was found to match the query.
getFirst(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.JNode
Searches only child nodes (not all descendants) and retrieves the first JNode that matches the specified query; throws a NotFound Exception if no matching JNode is found, or if this method is invoked on a leaf node.

getFirst(K) - Method in class com.jaunt.util.MultiMap
Returns the first element associated with the specified key or null if no objects are associated with the key.
getForm(int) - Method in class com.jaunt.Document
Returns the form object corresponding to the nth form (starting at 0 for the first form)
getForm(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.Document
Returns a Form object for the first form Element that matches the specified elementQuery (or throws a NotFound Exception).
getForm(Element) - Method in class com.jaunt.Document
Returns the Form for the specified form Element or throws a NotFound Exception.
getFormByButton(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.Document
Returns a Form object for the first form Element containing a button who's text/values is matched (case insensitive) by the specified regular expression (using Matcher.matches()), or throws a NotFound Exception.
getFormByButtons(String[]) - Method in class com.jaunt.Document
Returns a Form object for the first form Element containing buttons who's text/values are matched (case insensitive) by the regular expressions in the specified array (using Matcher.matches()), or throws a NotFound Exception.
getForms() - Method in class com.jaunt.Document
returns a List of form components for this page.
getHandler(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.UserAgent
Returns the content handler that was set for the specified (case-insensitive) contentType, or null if no Handler was set.
getHeader(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.HttpResponse
Retrieves the header value associated with the specified (case insensitive) header name or null if the header name is not present.
getHeaders(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.Document
Returns a MultiMap containing the headers received for this document, where each header name is associated with one or more header values.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.jaunt.HttpResponse
Retrieve a MultiMap of HTTP response headers.
getHeaders(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.UserAgent
Returns a MultiMap containing the headers received for the most recent request, where each header name is associated with one or more header values.
getHttpOnly() - Method in class com.jaunt.Cookie
Whether the HttpOnly flag is present.
getHyperlink(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.Document
Returns the first hyperlink who's element has innerText (from Element.innerText()) matching the specified (case insensitive) regular expression (using Matcher.matches).
getIgnoreCase(K) - Method in class com.jaunt.util.MultiMap
Returns a List of all values who's keys (as Strings from toString()) match the specified (case insensitive) key.
getInlineStyle(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Returns the css value of the inline style associated with the specified css attribute name or null if no value exists.
getInlineStyles() - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Collects and returns a Map containing the inline styles from the style attribute (or an empty Map if no styles exist).
getLast(K) - Method in class com.jaunt.util.MultiMap
Returns the last element associated with the specified key or null if no values are associated with the key.
getLocation() - Method in class com.jaunt.UserAgent
Retrieves the current location (url).
getMessage() - Method in class com.jaunt.HttpResponse
Retrieve the message associated with the response.
getMessage() - Method in exception com.jaunt.ResponseException
Returns the message associated with the Exception.
getMethod() - Method in class com.jaunt.component.Form
Retrieves the method of the current form, denoted by the method constants in HttpRequest, or if no method was specified in the form, returns the default HttpRequest.GET
getMethod() - Method in class com.jaunt.HttpRequest
Returns the request method as a request type constant.
getName() - Method in class com.jaunt.Cookie
Retrieves the name field of the cookie.
getName() - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Retrieves tagname normalized to lowercase.
getName() - Method in class com.jaunt.JNode
Returns the name associated with this node, or null if the node is not associated with a name (such as the root node, or nodes in an array).
getNameFilePairs() - Method in class com.jaunt.HttpRequest
Returns a live MultiMap of name-File pairs, representing the files to be uploaded.
getNameOC() - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Retrieves tagname in original case.
getNameValuePairs() - Method in class com.jaunt.HttpRequest
Returns a MultiMap of name-value pairs, where each name can be associated with multiple values.
getParent() - Method in class com.jaunt.JNode
Returns the parent node or null if no parent node exists (such as for the root Node).
getParent() - Method in class com.jaunt.Node
Returns the parent Element.
getPath() - Method in class com.jaunt.Cookie
Retrieves the path field of the cookie
getProxyHost() - Method in class com.jaunt.UserAgent
Retrieves the ip address of the http proxy or null if no proxy is being used.
getProxyPort() - Method in class com.jaunt.UserAgent
Retrieves the port number of the current http proxy being used or -1 if the proxy host is unset.
getRedirectingMeta() - Method in class com.jaunt.Document
Returns a Meta component, which represents the first redirecting meta tag in the document, returns null if the document contains no redirecting meta tag.
getReferer() - Method in class com.jaunt.UserAgent
Retrieves the referer value (ie, the url of the last document visited, which is sent in the header of the next HTTP request).
getRequest() - Method in class com.jaunt.component.Form
Returns the HttpRequest object corresponding to a form submission without pressing any particular submit button, or returns null if this form has no (implicit or explicit) action.
getRequest(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.component.Form
Returns the HttpRequest object corresponding to a form submission made by pressing the first submit button who's label matches the specified (case insensitive) regular expression (using Matcher.matches), or returns null if this form has no (implicit or explicit) action.
getRequest(Pattern) - Method in class com.jaunt.component.Form
Returns the HttpRequest object corresponding to a form submission made by pressing the first submit button who's label matches the specified (case insensitive) regular expression Pattern (using Matcher.matches), or returns null if this form has no (implicit or explicit) action.
getRequest(int) - Method in class com.jaunt.component.Form
Returns an HttpRequest object corresponding to a form submission made by pressing the submit button specified by its index, with indexing starting at 0 for the first submit button, throwing a NotFound Exception if the specified submitButton is not found, or returns null if this form has no (implicit or explicit) action.
getRequestedUrlMsg() - Method in class com.jaunt.HttpResponse
Returns a message describing the url associated with the most recent HttpRequest, of the form "<url>" or "<url> [posting <data>]"
getRequestPermutations() - Method in class com.jaunt.component.Form
Generates a list of HttpRequests that represent all the requests made by permuting tagged components through their values.
getRequestPermutations(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.component.Form
Generates a list of HttpRequests that represent all the requests made by permuting tagged components through their values.
getRequestUrlData() - Method in exception com.jaunt.ResponseException
Returns the url associated with this exception, of the form "<url>" or "<url> [posting <data>]"
getResponse() - Method in exception com.jaunt.ResponseException
Returns the Response associated with the Exception, which encapsulated meta-data (including HTTP status codes) for the HTTP response.
getResponse() - Method in class com.jaunt.util.HandlerForBinary
Returns the HttpResponse, which represents meta-information associated with the HTTP response.
getResponse() - Method in class com.jaunt.util.HandlerForText
Returns the HttpResponse, which represents meta-information associated with the HTTP response.
getRoot() - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Returns the root ancestor Element (or Document container, if it exists).
getSecure() - Method in class com.jaunt.Cookie
Whether the secure flag is present.
getSiblingIndex() - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Retrieves the sibling index number of this Element (eg, if it's the first child element of its parent, it has index 0).
getSource() - Method in class com.jaunt.UserAgent
Returns the original unparsed source of the last request, or an empty String if there is no source from a previous request.
getStatus() - Method in class com.jaunt.HttpResponse
Retrieves the HTTP status code (eg, 404) for the response or -1 if no value exits.
getStatusCode() - Method in exception com.jaunt.ResponseException
Returns the status code of the response or -1 if the response is null (such as for a Connection error)
getTable(String) - Method in class com.jaunt.Document
Returns a Table component for the first table Element that matches the specified elementQuery (or throws a NotFound Exception).
getTable(Element) - Method in class com.jaunt.Document
Returns a Table component for the specified table Element or throws a NotFound exception if the specified element is not a table.
getTable(int) - Method in class com.jaunt.Document
Returns a Table component representing the nth non-nested table Element in the document, or throws a NotFound exception if no table element is found.
getText() - Method in class com.jaunt.Comment
Retrieves the text content of the Comment.
getTextContent() - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Returns the concatenation of all children/descendants of type Text, or an empty String if none exist.
getTextContent(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Returns the concatenation of all children/descendants of type Text delimited by the specified delimiter.
getTextContent(String, Node, Node, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.jaunt.Element
Returns the concatenation of all children/descendants of type Text delimited by the specified delimiter.
getType() - Method in class com.jaunt.JNode
Returns the node type as defined by the node type constants in this class.
getType() - Method in class com.jaunt.Node
Returns the node type constant of this node.
getUrl() - Method in class com.jaunt.Document
Returns the url used to request the document or null if the document was not retrieved using an HTTP request.
getUrl() - Method in class com.jaunt.HttpRequest
Returns the url to which the HttpRequest is targeted.
getValue() - Method in class com.jaunt.Cookie
Retrieves the value field of the cookie.
getValue() - Method in class com.jaunt.Text
Retrieves the text value.
getVersionInfo() - Static method in class com.jaunt.UserAgent
returns the version number, edition, and expiration date of this Jaunt release.
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